الأحد، 12 يناير 2014

Mohamed The Messenger Of Allah The Man, the Preacher and the Message: ‘The Responses of the Western Scholars, to the Western Antagonists’.


The Messenger Of


The Man, the Preacher and the Message:
‘The Responses of the Western Scholars, to the Western Antagonists’.

Author: Yousuf Hassan Mohamed Yaseen
Translated by: Mohamed Mudawi Mukhawi 

Sep., 2012


Those who don’t know, Prophet Mohamed (PBUH);
Let this dedication encourage them to read this Booklet, to know exactly, who is the Man antagonists, the infamous writers, film producers and caricaturists tried to insult.
Let them know the words said by: the great Western Scholars about Prophet Mohamed (PBUH).
Let them know the words of: Alphonse de Lamartine, Bartley St. Heller, Bernard Lewis, Bertrand Russell, Evelyn Copperlead, De Aslan Mc Fackin, Francois Voltaire, Goethe, Gostav Le Bon, Heron Marcos, John Orax, Mahatma Ghandi, Michael H. Hart, Rene Des Cart, Roger Garoudy, Sir. George Bernard Shaw, Sir. Herbert Spenser, Jwahr Lal Nihru, T. Byron, Thomas Carlyle, and many, many other famous Western and Eastern Scholars.
Whom shall we believe? those great Western and Eastern savant Scholars who supported Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) and commended his Message; or the antagonist Opponents who insulted him? 
The booklet is also dedicated to all Muslims and non-Moslems who denounced the provocation of the antagonists.

Thanks and Gratitude

Thanks and gratitude to Allah, the One Who guides those whom he wants -from amongst human beings- to the right path.

Those who do not know the Sharia’ (Religion) of Mohamed, should not criticize it; Because, it is a group of perfect good deeds.”
Said by: Rudolf De Torak, ‘the Austrian Scholar’.

Islam is a comprehensive and complete method of life; which could not be described in one book; especially, in such a small booklet, like this one. The purpose of writing this booklet is to present some basic facts about Islam. If such basic facts were known in advance, to those who insulted the prophet, they might have never done so. For this reason they may be excused. This booklet is an endeavor to answer some questions asked about Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) and Islam as well.

The Western mentality is open and Western Scholars managed to understand the most difficult sciences. They introduced a huge legacy of science and literature for the benefit of the whole humanity. Many attributes helped them to excel in such a way. Attributes like: honesty, credibility, truth and fairness. Such honesty lead the American Scientist …. Working in NASA to rate the Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) the First in his list of the Most Great 100 Men in History of Mankind. Although he was not a Muslim, he selected the Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) to be the First in his list. He said that people may be astonished of this selection as he was not a Muslim; and they have the right to be astonished: but Mohamed was the only man in history who succeeded in both Terrestrial (material) life and Heavenly (Religious) life.
 Perhaps, those who insulted the Prophet (PBUH) didn’t know such information. If that is true, this is an excuse. Imam Ali Bin Abutalib said: “People are enemies of what they don’t know”.
Taking the above into consideration, we would like to submit this booklet in order to highlight the conduct of the Prophet Mohamed (PBUH), concentrating on the main issues and principles for which he called and upon which he established the Muslim Community and State.
The Message of the Prophet Mohamed (PBUH), his deeds and wisdom are a legacy and heritage for all humanity. That is also confirmed by Quraan that Mohamed is the Messenger of Allah to all mankind; and he is the latest, and last Prophet. It is worth of mentioning here that, at the brink of the End of the World; the Messiah, Jesus ‘the Son of Merriam’ (PBUH) will come back. Notwithstanding, Jesus (PBUH) is not a new Messenger who will come with a new message; his anticipated advent is just a return to revive the eternal call for Allah (God).   
We hope, this booklet will be a good guide to help a lot of readers to know the basic facts about the Prophet; and about Islam as well. We also, think this is a better approach to face the insults; in these critical moments in the history of mankind. As such, we can help the whole humanity to solve all the persistent conflicts.

The Community before the Prophecy:
“Mohamed was honest in his message. He preached among nomadic tribes who used to worship statutes and stone idols, calling them gods; and lived in mere ignorance. He worked among them patiently, grouped them around him, and unified their efforts. He guided and enlightened them to the worship of The Creator of the Universe. He was utterly, the best of mankind as a descendent, chief and Prophet.” Said by: Gostav Le Bon; the French Scholar in his Book: ‘The Islamic Civilization’.

Before the advent of the Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) the Arabian lands and the whole World was leaving in social and economic injustice; with great disparities between the Rich and the Poor. The Strong one leads, while the Weak follows. Ethics in some societies was selective; and in some societies there were social strata.
Mecca People were then polytheists. They used to worship about 300 Idols made of stones or carved from wood; and they thought that such worshiping pleases those Idols; otherwise Idols can harm them; although they carved the Idols by their own hands. They call their Idols with names such as Lat, Uzza, and Minat. Some tribes used to worship fire; and some ones believed in Stars or Planets. War erupted among Arab tribes for the least reason, for example because of losing in a horse race. Relations were based on kinship, tribalism and social hierarchy. They used to say: “Support your brother, whether he is right or wrong”. Also, they used to say: “Let my brother and myself, work against our nephew; and my nephew and myself, let us work against the stranger.”
In the ancient days women in the whole World were treated with contempt. In some areas they reject and denied women’s rights; and even they didn’t have the right of ownership. Women were not given consideration in Europe and America until the Medieval Ages. Before Islam Arabs used to oppress the woman; and in some areas they rejected and denied her rights; and she didn’t have the right of ownership as well. Also, before Islam in Mecca area, people looked for the woman as a shame. The worst day for any man was the one when he was told that his wife delivered a girl. Some men used to imprison their daughters; but some ones went beyond that limit. Some of the fathers took their daughters and buried them in graves immediately, in order to avoid the potential shame. Qur’an described that situation as follows: “When one of them was told that their newly born were a female, he frowned with a gloomy face; then hided from people. Should he keep her with piousness, or should he bury her under the ground? What a wrong decision they had made!”.[1]
The Attributes of Mohamed prior to becoming a Prophet:
“Mohamed’s attributes were goodness, wisdom, honesty, credibility, piousness, chastity; those were his attributes. Do people want the contrary, or what else?”
                                                            Said by: ‘Alfred Father’ the Belgian Writer.
Mohamed was born in Mecca 571 B.C. He was a poor orphan. His father Abdullah Ben Abdul’mutalab died few weeks before his birth; and his mother died while he was only six years old. He spent his infanthood in the desert caring for the goats of the Bedouins. His grandfather gave him the name ‘Mohamed’; which has the meaning of ‘someone who shows gratitude’. When he became an adult, Mohamed worked as a tradesman; and he became famous for his honesty. He managed the business of an honorable rich lady in Mecca. She fascinated with his honesty and cleverness in trade. Accordingly, she asked him if he could marry her, and he accepted. The honorable lady was ‘Khadeeja Bent Khowailid’, who was the mother of the Prophet’s daughters and sons except his son ‘Ibrahim’ who’s mother was ‘Maria’. When Mohamed became a Prophet, Mecca people and a lot of Arabic polytheist tribes were against him; at that time Khadeeja was his great supporter. The Arab non-believers became enemies of Mohamed after he became a Prophet, although before the Prophecy they used make him the Arbitrator when they face conflicts. In one of the famous incidents of Arbitration, occurred when the Arab tribes rebuild the Kaaba ‘Sacred House’; and they needed to Place the Black Stone in its proper place. They argued and each tribe claimed that they should be responsible for that. They agreed that Mohamed should be the Judge and they accepted his ruling. He showed great wisdom when he just placed his upper cloth, he took the Black Stone and put it on the cloth; then he told them that each tribe should delegate one man to represent it. He asked each representative of each tribe to hold a part of the cloth and raised it to the level of the required position to put the stone. When they did so, he raised the Black Stone from the cloth and put it in its proper place. All of the tribes were pleased and witnessed the unusual wisdom of Mohamed; and they accepted his arbitration without further argument. When Mohamed became a Prophet, they disbelieved him.             
Mohamed: the example of Human Perfection:
Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) was just and equitable. He always supported the weak, the oppressed and demeaned; by challenging the oppressors and aggressors. He was patient and used to ask people to be patient. He forgave, when captured his enemies. He was modest. His wife ‘Aisha’ said that whenever he had the choice between two options, he had always chosen the easier one; unless it is something wrong, if it is wrong he used to reject it. He was never angry, and he had never revenged for himself; unless Allah’s orders were trespassed, then he revenged for Allah’s sake; but never for himself. For any harm against him, he used to forgive. Be good with anyone who does harm to you; don’t be like him. Well, if you see someone does something bad or say bad words to you or to anyone else, and you respond by doing the same; then what is the difference between you and him? You are no doubt like him aren’t you? Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) was not like that. He used to say: “Do good deeds to abolish bad ones.” Once a man went to him and asked his advice; the Prophet (PBUH) told him not to be angry. The man repeated the same request, and the Prophet repeated the same advice. He was generous. He used to give the needy; and he honored the dignitaries. But he used to give abundantly than ever in Ramadan when Angel Gabriel used to visit him; as his wife ‘Aisha’ said. The prophet Mohamed was a brave man. Ali, the fourth Caliphate, who was a famous cavalier, said: “When the battle got tough, we were taking refuge behind the Prophet; he was the nearest to the enemy.” He was very shy, and humble. He never looked in a bad way to any person; even if he disliked that person. Also, he never told such disliked person that he disliked him. He was Just and Honest. Before Islam he was famous for that. When the enemies of the Prophet sent some envoys to tell other people about the claims of Mohamed, a strong speaker Abusofian went to the emperor of Rome; and told him about the new man claiming that he was a Prophet. The Emperor asked him if Mohamed ever had lied before he claimed Prophecy; but Abusofian replied that Mohamed never lied. He didn’t interfere in other people’s affairs; so, kept a distance between himself and others. He never selected the best place to sit in; but he sat in whatever vacant place, like others. His meetings were organized, without loud voices and shouting, just decent discussions by all attendees. He treated speakers in the same manner. Indeed everybody among his companions felt that he was the nearest, and dearest to the Prophet Mohamed (PBUH). His companions tried to be like him in respecting the elders, showing mercy to the children and sympathize with the women. They also, followed his conduct in hosting the guest, honoring the stranger, feeding the hungry. The Prophet disliked three habits in the community; lying, extravagance and looking for other people’s disgraces. When he spoke the audience listened to him carefully and stayed motionless until he finished his discourse. He also, used to listen carefully and accept any type of speech without frowning to any speaker.   

[1] - The Holy Qur’an: Chapter of the (Bees) “Al Nahal”, Verses: ‘58/59’”.
(وَإِذَا بُشِّرَ أَحَدُهُمْ بِالأُنثَى ظَلَّ وَجْهُهُ مُسْوَدًّا وَهُوَ كَظِيمٌ (58) يَتَوَارَى مِنَ الْقَوْمِ مِن سُوءِ مَا بُشِّرَ بِهِ أَيُمْسِكُهُ عَلَى هُونٍ أَمْ يَدُسُّهُ فِي التُّرَابِ أَلاَ سَاء مَا يَحْكُمُونَ ) "59"

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